When Evil Visits by Steve Bezner
June 22nd, 2022
Evil in the world is far worse than any fairy tale villain.Evil is real. And it will come calling.You might bristle at the thought. You may not have experienced evil firsthand. But millions of our nei...  Read More
When You Feel Like A Failure by Steve Bezner
April 27th, 2022
Memory is a cruel mistress.When I was in seventh grade, I tried to be funny. It failed. I still physically wince when I remember what I said in front of my friends. It was not funny. It was awkward, a...  Read More
Sanidad en el quebrantamiento
April 15th, 2022
¿Quién ha creído a nuestro anuncio? ¿y sobre quién se ha manifestado el brazo de Jehová? 2 Subirá cual renuevo delante de él, y como raíz de tierra seca; no hay parecer en él, ni hermosura; le veremos...  Read More
Stop Being Productive by Steve Bezner
April 12th, 2022
I have chased a desire to be remembered, to be admired, to have my name on the spine of a book that someone might read a hundred years hence. I have yearned for permanence, to live beyond my body, for...  Read More
Un nuevo comienzo
March 23rd, 2022
Un nuevo comienzoEl Espíritu de Jehová el Señor está sobre mí, porque me ungió Jehová; me ha enviado a predicar buenas nuevas a los abatidos, a vendar a los quebrantados de corazón, a publicar liberta...  Read More
Un corazón limpio
March 10th, 2022
Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios, conforme a tu misericordia; Conforme a la multitud de tus piedades borra mis rebeliones. 2 Lávame más y más de mi maldad, Y límpiame de mi pecado. 3 Porque yo reconozco mis ...  Read More