Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry is a multigenerational community seeking to make Houston more like Heaven by helping women become more like Jesus.
Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23
Hebrews 10:23
Making Houston more like Heaven by helping women become more like Jesus.
Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23
Spring Semester

Women's Bible Study
Morning Studies | 10 AM - Noon
Study | Jude
Location | Adult Building | A119
Leaders | Jill Roberts & Sarah Delp
Cost | $20
Location | Adult Building | A119
Leaders | Jill Roberts & Sarah Delp
Cost | $20
Study | Luke
Location | Adult Building | A113
Leaders |Brenda Collins
Cost | $25
Location | Adult Building | A113
Leaders |Brenda Collins
Cost | $25
Study |Romans (en Español)
Location | Adult Building | A112
Leaders |Perla Martinez
Cost | Free
Location | Adult Building | A112
Leaders |Perla Martinez
Cost | Free
Study |Revelation Parts 1 & 2
Location | Adult Building | A111
Leaders |Betty Ferreira
Cost | $55 (includes two books)
Location | Adult Building | A111
Leaders |Betty Ferreira
Cost | $55 (includes two books)
Evening Study | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Study |Jude
Location | Adult Building | A119
Leaders |Jennifer Unger
Cost | $20
Location | Adult Building | A119
Leaders |Jennifer Unger
Cost | $20

Moms with Purpose
Select Mondays this Spring
January | 27
February | 10 & 24
March | 3 & 24
April | 7 & 28
February | 10 & 24
March | 3 & 24
April | 7 & 28

Beth Moore Bible Study
Bible Study at The Met | 7 PM
January | 16, 23, 30
February | 6 & 13
February | 6 & 13
Women's Midsize Group.

Sundays | 9 AM | Adult Building | A118
You are invited to join us on Sunday Morning, no matter your age or stage, as we build community and learn practical truths from God's Word. No registration is required.